Saturday, 31 October 2015

Capital Market for Dummies : Part 1

What is Capital Market?
> is a channel or facilities for movements of funds,
senang cerita dia macam tempat pertemuan antara yang sedang deficit dan surplus.
yang deficit perlukan modal untuk run business, while yang surplus nak generate more money through investments. So, akan terjadinya penjualan dan pembelian securities kat sini.

Terdapat 3 kategori Capital Market
1- Equity
  Nak tahu belian securities itu equity atau tak? equity akan melibatkan ownership
contoh Gamuda issue 100 lots stock (sebab nak funds- shortage), then ada yang akan beli the stocks (surplus) dan akan dapat keuntungan bila harga stock naik.
eg : shares/stocks, Unit Trusts, REITs, Index, Venture Capital, ETF, Structure Product...

2- Debt
  Berbeza dengan equity, debt ialah hutang bukan ownership. Jadi melalui pembelian derivatives seperti ini, biasanya akan dapat certificates I owe you.
contoh : Gamuda nak funds, instead of  issue stock, dia issue bonds, company A, B, C beli the bonds with certain price with coupon dan end of maturity period Gamuda akan beli balik the stocks.
maksudnya, Gamuda sebenarnya sedang berhutang kepada company A,B,C dan kene bayar every months kepada A,B,C sehingga maturity period.
eg : Private Debt Securities (PDS), Asset Backed Securitties (ABS)

3- Derivatives Instruments
eg : futures, option, swap, forward

Ok nak cerita pasal Derivatives dulu, sebab excited selama betahun jumpa future option segala tapi harini baru nampak applicationnya.

When we hedge the current position to the future time by locking particular price.
contoh, we are company who manufacture soap, then received called from Hong Kong to order the soap in bulk and will be delivered on July (said now is Jan). The Hong Kong company request to have quoted price from us (soap company). However, Soap company cannot quote yet price because the soap main ingredients is palm oil which vary its price everyday. Because soap company only can process the soap 1 month before the delivery which is in June, soap company tatau what is the palm oil price during June. Tapi dah nak kene quote price to Hong Kong customer. Apa yang soap company boleh buat ialah pada Jan call Felda to lock price of palm oil for today which only be delivered on Jun. kenapa nak lock price? sebab besar kemungkinan harga palm oil akan naik pada June, soap company mungkin loss sedang dah quote price to Hong Kong masa Jan.

Illustration Price of CPO (Crude Palm Oil)
Jan : RM 3 / unit
June : RM 5/ unit

So if let say, harga CPO bulan June jadi RM 5, soap company can buy using locked price which is RM3 bukan market price. Tapi if let say harga on June lebih murah contoh RM 2.50, still kene bayar RM3 ikut locked price. Nampak macam rugi, tapi not cash loss, masih lagi untung dengan jual kepada Hong Kong.

# Option
Is the right to buy/sell, but not obligation to buy.
ada call option (right to buy) and put option(right to sell)

contoh : Nak beli kereta, tapi sekarang short of cash, next month (May) tahu dapat bonus. so, deal dengan car seller untuk buat option. Lepas car seller setuju, dia issue 1 paper kepada pembeli untuk tunjukkan right untuk beli kereta pada bulan May pada RM40K. Car seller akan jual the right dengan harga RM100. jadi sekarang pembeli kereta adalah the right holder. Ok pada bulan May, the right holder ada option sama ada nak beli atau pun taknak. Normally, option taknak beli sebab, right holder probably dah pergi kedai lain yang mana offer harga lebih murah contoh RM30K. Jadi dia sebenarnya untung (RM40K-RM30K-RM100(right charge)= RM9900). Ni contoh call option.

~ konsep macam khiyar, whereas ada pilihan untuk beli or cancel the contract in 3 days..pembeli ada pilihan..

fenatt..esok masih sekolah!

Friday, 30 October 2015

Islamic Economics : to ponder how and why


Today is our 4th friday together, meaning left another 1 month to be here.
to learn, to sit for exam module 6&7, to built good networking etc..
but, still tomorrow and the day after, we need to sacrifice our weekends.
Personally, I do not mind but being grateful as the expert willing to share their experience and knowledge with us and probably he only has weekends while the other day is already full working in the industry.

Just to remember and share what I have learned from today class. We have a short-good debate entitle Islamic economics vs. other economic systems like socialism,communism,capitalism and mixed economics.

The session start by Islamic scholars to be (in one team) giving their short explanation on the objectives of Islamic economy system in the perspective of zakat. How implementing zakat can achieve below elements in the full Islamic economy..

1) Achievement of Falah
2) Fair & Equitable Distribution
3) Provision of Basic Human Needs
4) Establishment of Social Justice
5) Promotion of Brotherhood & Unity
6) Achievement of Moral & Material Development
7) Circulation of Wealth
8) Elimination of Exploitation

source : Dr Muhammad Shariff Chaudhry

What becomes the debate interesting is not the quarreling between us or some of us sort of lossing their temper, but more importantly is the contents from our discussion through answers, questions and opinions.

The interesting issues are
1) How Islam says, it promotes equality, fair and justice but, only muslim is eligible to receive zakat? how about the unfortunate non-muslim? adil ke?

Some people may answer
> Apart from zakat, Islam also encourage its believers to do charity like sedekah, derma. So from this fund, it can be channeled to unfortunate non-muslim.

Then they will people like capitalist attack, This situation is only applicable when there is people who are enough generous to do charity because it is not compulsory like zakat. What if nobody will do this or the fund is not enough??

> Islamist will say, The wisdom of paying zakat is to purify the wealth, while sedeqah's wisdom is to purify our heart. This is one of the reason why only kind-hearted person will do more charity than others; including non-muslim. Contrary, It is actually from the charity, they are purifying their heart. Because of charity they becomes good. Eventually, if people understand this concept, people will do more charity eventhough it is never been compulsory.

> In between of this discussion, there are some ideas to solve the problem

FIRST, using Gharamah (late payment charge from bank financing) to be distributed to all non- muslim needy. The reason is, the bank cannot take this late payment charges as it is not shariah, thus this penalty need to give back to public. So, there are suggesting this method.

SECOND, by implementing new policy like deducting portion of salary for charity. the idea was taken from Singapore policy, whereas they have no deduction for EPF, because every citizens will pay money to Govt and it will be distributed to pensioners. Innovation from this structure is change pensioner to the Needy (Muslim & Non-muslim)

>Coming back to the main issue..How the implementation of zakat can benefits non-muslim??
From the perspective of economy it can actually relates to purchasing power. For example, when people pay zakat and then the wealth has been distributed accordingly to 8 Asnaf, then the purchasing power of the zakat receiver will increase. Then they can buy more / more people can buy and eventually supplier will increase up their stocks. Impact from this is, the price of stock will go down and it also may open more job opportunities because more workloads to fulfill demands in market. It also will improve the performance of economy indirectly
Price going down, job opportunities and good economy. Don't this will be beneficial to Non Muslims?

~ This is some of issues we discussed, it may be correct may not. What more important is not the answer, but how we think in the journey to find the solution. Critical thinking skills which we cannot find the answer in texbook.. Somehow I love this kind of issue that will trigger us to think critically.

~let's continue again next time. There are more interesting part to be shared

Tuesday, 20 October 2015



Motherlike. Terkesan dengan komen kawan baharu di ICMGTS. Few people pulak tu. Bukan seorang dua. Padahal baru kenal seminggu dua. Hahaha.. Tatau it is sort of compliment atau sebaliknya. Tapi sebab hari ni dapat komen dari kawan lelaki, tergerak nak tengok maksud motherlike. 

He suppose to give comments on my presentation, tak faham macam mana boleh connect motherlike dengan presentation aku. Masa dengar tu, aku siap minta dia ulang, dah sohih dengar, my response is macam krik krik~ tak masuk logik. terus tanya what do you mean? tapi kene cut off dengan instructor. Kisahnya. 

So aku ada beberapa teori sebab apa orang cakap aku motherlike atau bahasa kampungnya macam mak mak

1) Macam penyayang (?)

Macam dalam gambar ni. Nampak la penyayang agaknya dengan budak-budak. Tapi rasanya jarang sekali aku main dengan budak-budak ni sebab generasi keluarga yang kecik-kecik semua dah besar. muahaha..

2) Suara + muka yang nampak lembut

Ini pun point kuat juga. rata-rata yang baru kenal, mereka komen suara aku yang macam luar biasa lain dari orang lain. Kata lain, berbeza dengan suara orang biasa. gituu description dia. Aku ingat normal-normal aje. Tapi memang sumpah suara aku tak merdu untuk menyanyi. Steeve, one of the Speaker Dunville ada cakap, suara aku soft, to say out loud in group of people, better use microphone katanya. Rasanya lepasni aku nak pergi cek dengan any pakar suara. Mungkin lepas seminggu jadi cikgu, peti suara aku dah berubah bentuk tu ketara sangat jadinya

Muka nampak lembut. Ini komen daripada orang yang dah biasa dan kenal siapa aku. Sebenarnya komen diaorang adalah muka aku lebih lembut dari orangnya. Gulpss. harap maklum. Maksudnya orang yang baru kenal lebih kurang tertipu kot >.< Alhamdulillah Allah bagi rupa macam penyejuk mata gitu, mungkin ia jadi terserlah sebab nama aku sendiri.

3) Banyak perkara aku suka buat sendiri

Mungkin stail aku yang macam konservatif, semua macam cara lama, macam mak mak diorang kot. Bukan aku nak jadi perempuan melayu terakhir, tapi aku kalau boleh suka buat benda yang aku nak sendiri. Kalau nak makan, masak. Kalau nak baju, jahit. Kalau nak rumah cantik, tepek wallpaper, alih-alih perabot..etc dia macam lebih rasa kepuasan kalau buat sendiri. Motivasi diri naik, nak nak benda yang kita buat menjadi, cantik, tambah-tambah orang lain puji. Antara lain, aku pikir sementara muda, baik belajar banyak-banyak, dah tua moga-moga tak menyesal.

4) Suka membebel (?)

Ini komen dari adik beradik aku biasanya. Kadang abah aku pun tegur, tak tahan dah kot tu. Tapi ini perangai kat dalam rumah aje. Orang lain tatau

5) Konon anak sulung

Orang cakap anak sulung logik jadi macam motherlike, sebab jadi kakak pada adik-adik banyak guna skill mak mak. Mungkin sebab tu orang selalu salah teka aku adalah anak sulung dalam adik beradik aku. hahaha.. pelik kan. aku anak tengah kot. Tapi kadang aku selalu aje rasa aku anak sulung. So, orang yang teka salah tu, takpe. maybe partly salah. other part probably betul. (Haaa camne tu?)

Haa, ni gambar arwah mak aku. Nampak best kan pemandangan macam ni. Ini baru betul kasih sayang mak. Nampak dari sinar mata. Aku rasa tak sampai tahap ni lagi. Bahaya permainan mata nih.

6) Suka bergaul mesra dengan nenek nenek

Ini pun boleh jadi faktor penting juga. Mungkin impact bergaul dengan orang tua, buat aku jadi sebigini naturally (gituu). Aku sebenarnya lebih prefer bersembang dengan golongan dah nenek-nenek. Bagi aku, nenek-opah ni banyak pengalaman, dah mereka suka share benda yang ada pengajaran. Ilmu hidup kata orang. Kalau dengan mak mak muda, aku kurang sikit (Hee, takmau komen)

Bersama Nek Tepah di kampung Melaka. Aku biasanya akan amik kesempatan untuk cuba bertanya hal-soal hidup dengan nenek-opah macam ni. Cuba la teka umur dia berapa..dah cecah 80-an Wajib tanya macam mana nak stay fit and healthy (badan dan mental) kott.

So itu aje. teori aku sendiri.

 dating dengan mak
3 generation

~aku mesti gelak kalau baca lagi teori budak-budak ni.. saje suka-suka merepek di tengah malam.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

90-10 Principle by Stephen Covey

A very famous principle by Stephen Covey says 
LIFE is 10% of what happens to you which you have no control over it,
while the rest of 90% is how you REACT on it whereas up to everybody to react in a good way or bad, meaning that the control is on your hand.

A simple story to relate to this principle. When there was one time, a family of father, mother and a daughter were having breakfast in the morning before going to work and school. Suddenly, the daughter carelessly spilled a cup of coffee on his father shirt.

what happened was, the father become very angry to his daughter for being careless. The daughter was crying and went up stair. Besides, he also put blame to his wife as put the coffee at edge of table. Everybody becomes gloomy. While, it was already late to go to work, the father change his cloth then need to persuade his daughter to go to school. As the daughter missed her bus, then the father sent her to school, he drove very fast and made a police to issue summon. A very bad day for him.

See, if to reflect what was happened only because of the spilled coffee which accidentally happen. The 10% which we have no control over it. While, 90% which will decide your future life is your reaction. The way how you face the situation will eventually decide you life.

As we have control over 90% to decide our own life by what things we decide to react, so you are responsible to everything happen afterward either bad or good. Do not blame the coffee, other people, traffic or etc. Blame yourself as to react that way.

Monday, 5 October 2015

ICMGTS assessment


Throwing back on what had happened past a month. Alhamdulillah, I got this invitation. The email was send to me on 1st of September, However I read it on 2nd of September. I was shocked and of course happy mix feeling with nervous, thinking what should be prepared. As you guys can see the pic below, this is how the assessment will be conducted. 

I remember when I received this email, I was just starting on something else.

First, I did apply job for a clerk position in takaful company. Since I have been encouraging from my abah to be in this line. So as I read the iklan on this position, immediately I called them and so on so forth, they asked me to join them as an agent. In the same time, they did offer me to be a clerk for a temporary considering my reason to understand more on motor takaful.

Second, as I have been at home for almost 2 months doing nothing. I joined Wanita Muda IKRAM event called Cultural Day. I choose to be in pengantin team. the other one is cooking team. So, in that week I was also busy for preparing for this event. (for bride gown, hantaran, gubahan etc.). The competition was schedule on 5th of september. A day after this assessment.

Remembering back the hectic week I went through, I do not know where I got the strength to still open few books on Islamic Finance (IFSA) late at night. Indeed Allah gave it. Perhaps when you are busy, Allah make the time more barakah and you were also becoming powerful. This is my little effort for preparing to the assessment.

The very first post


Dear blog,

Just to make a confession. It is true that this is my first post on this blog but this blog is not my first blog. I just could not remember how many blog I have had created ever since I know its existence. No worries blog, I will make sure that I will not abandon you as what I did to my previous blogs. That's why your name is Sofia the first. We must at least try our best to become first in everything we do. hoyeayy. Happy born day blog.

Sincerely with love