Monday, 5 October 2015

ICMGTS assessment


Throwing back on what had happened past a month. Alhamdulillah, I got this invitation. The email was send to me on 1st of September, However I read it on 2nd of September. I was shocked and of course happy mix feeling with nervous, thinking what should be prepared. As you guys can see the pic below, this is how the assessment will be conducted. 

I remember when I received this email, I was just starting on something else.

First, I did apply job for a clerk position in takaful company. Since I have been encouraging from my abah to be in this line. So as I read the iklan on this position, immediately I called them and so on so forth, they asked me to join them as an agent. In the same time, they did offer me to be a clerk for a temporary considering my reason to understand more on motor takaful.

Second, as I have been at home for almost 2 months doing nothing. I joined Wanita Muda IKRAM event called Cultural Day. I choose to be in pengantin team. the other one is cooking team. So, in that week I was also busy for preparing for this event. (for bride gown, hantaran, gubahan etc.). The competition was schedule on 5th of september. A day after this assessment.

Remembering back the hectic week I went through, I do not know where I got the strength to still open few books on Islamic Finance (IFSA) late at night. Indeed Allah gave it. Perhaps when you are busy, Allah make the time more barakah and you were also becoming powerful. This is my little effort for preparing to the assessment.

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