Thursday, 8 October 2015

90-10 Principle by Stephen Covey

A very famous principle by Stephen Covey says 
LIFE is 10% of what happens to you which you have no control over it,
while the rest of 90% is how you REACT on it whereas up to everybody to react in a good way or bad, meaning that the control is on your hand.

A simple story to relate to this principle. When there was one time, a family of father, mother and a daughter were having breakfast in the morning before going to work and school. Suddenly, the daughter carelessly spilled a cup of coffee on his father shirt.

what happened was, the father become very angry to his daughter for being careless. The daughter was crying and went up stair. Besides, he also put blame to his wife as put the coffee at edge of table. Everybody becomes gloomy. While, it was already late to go to work, the father change his cloth then need to persuade his daughter to go to school. As the daughter missed her bus, then the father sent her to school, he drove very fast and made a police to issue summon. A very bad day for him.

See, if to reflect what was happened only because of the spilled coffee which accidentally happen. The 10% which we have no control over it. While, 90% which will decide your future life is your reaction. The way how you face the situation will eventually decide you life.

As we have control over 90% to decide our own life by what things we decide to react, so you are responsible to everything happen afterward either bad or good. Do not blame the coffee, other people, traffic or etc. Blame yourself as to react that way.

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